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Showing posts with the label junit5

Tech Conversant Weekly Jul 03 - Jul 15

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Boosting Java startup with Class Data Sharing (CDS) JDK21 LTS Maintenance and Support Health checking of multiple cloud applications with Spring Cloud Gateway Functional Style Non-reactive HTTP clie

Tech Conversant Weekly Apr 10 - Apr 22

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you! A simple Java program to print "Hello, World" is verbose and lot of constructs to be aware of, public class HelloWorld {      public static void main(String[] args) {          System.out.println("Hello, World!");     } } How about, Anonymous main class with main declaration, class HelloWorld {      void main() {          System.out.println("Hello, Wo

Tech Conversant Weekly Feb 20 - Feb 25

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every week, we bring you the latest and greatest advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This week, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Running unit tests ensures the particular functionality works as expected, and running integration tests ensures the state of data in an end-to-end flow context of the application remains intact. However, running consecutive sequences of tests would alter the data state between tests, to ensure fair and accurate execution of all tests the data for the tests should be baselined to an a

Tech Conversant Weekly Feb 13 - Feb 18

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every week, we bring you the latest and greatest advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This week, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Junit 5 provides Nested annotation on test classes that are nested within a parent test, facilitating a place for prescribing for generic setup and tear-down methods. Modularizing the test hierarchically within the same test class. GraalVM Native Image spawns platform-native executables that are the libraries reachable during the an