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Showing posts with the label sql

Tech Conversant Weekly Jun 19 - Jul 01

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Modelling common behaviors between the List and the Set interface has been partially provided by LinkedHashSet. Now from JDK21 with the new interface SequencedCollection extending the Collection interface and is also extended by the List, SortedSet via SequencedSet (for reversal operation), Deque. The SequencedMap interface extends the Map interface by providing the below me

Tech Conversant Weekly May 08 - May 20

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Persisting a collection like List in JPA is attained in two following ways, 1. ElementCollection annotation - specifying CollectionTable annotation with the column onto which the OneToMany relationship has to be established  2. AttributeConverter Implementation - override the convertToDatabaseColumn and convertToEntityAttribute for persisting and retrieval of the collection

Tech Conversant Weekly Feb 20 - Feb 25

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every week, we bring you the latest and greatest advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This week, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Running unit tests ensures the particular functionality works as expected, and running integration tests ensures the state of data in an end-to-end flow context of the application remains intact. However, running consecutive sequences of tests would alter the data state between tests, to ensure fair and accurate execution of all tests the data for the tests should be baselined to an a

Tech Conversant Weekly Jan 09 - Jan 14

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week as well as a few that seized my attention, Type annotation and receiver parameter from JDK 8, offer a compilation validation guideline.  In combination, template design can be attained by formalizing the client implementation to follow. With flapMap on the streams API, operations can be performed on the inner collection, ie list within a list Jakarta MVC on top of Jakarta REST presents decoupled web-based requests handling architecture JDK 20 Project Loom's ScopedValue vs. ThreadLocal  ThreadLocal enables sharing d