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Tech Conversant Weekly Jan 23 - Jan 28

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week as well as a few that seized my attention, Introducing Microservices Patterns with Spring Integration  Catalog with in-build patterns and architecture facilitating the integration with Spring modules and each of these modules is in turn Spring boot component Jakarta EE 10, Java faces 4 can now be programmatically accessed via API and with extension mappings, the xhtml is made redundant with context params, ClientWindowScoped annotation can maintain the same bean scopes across multiple pages as long the jfwid is the same, and finally MultipleFileUpload model mapping for processing

Tech Conversant Weekly Jan 16 - Jan 21

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week as well as a few that seized my attention, Frequently we read properties from file to the application, conversely, we can write to configuration properties file as well from Java Building custom URLs with special characters creates complexities in request mapping on the server-side code. The REST requests are to be intercepted for carrying out preprocessing not only on the URL but on the whole request before delegation to the controller. Create an implementation for ClientHttpRequestInterceptor and override the intercept method, subsequently registering the interceptor onto the rest template, any requests are routed via the implementation.