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Showing posts with the label virtual threads

Tech Conversant Weekly May 08 - May 20

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Persisting a collection like List in JPA is attained in two following ways, 1. ElementCollection annotation - specifying CollectionTable annotation with the column onto which the OneToMany relationship has to be established  2. AttributeConverter Implementation - override the convertToDatabaseColumn and convertToEntityAttribute for persisting and retrieval of the collection

Tech Conversant Weekly Apr 24 - May 06

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you! ZGC optimizes the HotStop JVM GC for low latency and scalability, offering the benefits of, 1. Scalable Heap memory area  2. Low latency <1ms GC pause times regardless of the heap size definitions 3. Autotuned GC for optimal performance  4. Throughput reduction  As the ZGC is designed, 1. Concurrency - threads continue to execute and collect objects for GC  2. Constant GC

Tech Conversant Weekly Jan 16 - Jan 21

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week as well as a few that seized my attention, Frequently we read properties from file to the application, conversely, we can write to configuration properties file as well from Java Building custom URLs with special characters creates complexities in request mapping on the server-side code. The REST requests are to be intercepted for carrying out preprocessing not only on the URL but on the whole request before delegation to the controller. Create an implementation for ClientHttpRequestInterceptor and override the intercept method, subsequently registering the interceptor onto the rest template, any requests are routed via the implementation.

Tech Conversant Weekly Jan 09 - Jan 14

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week as well as a few that seized my attention, Type annotation and receiver parameter from JDK 8, offer a compilation validation guideline.  In combination, template design can be attained by formalizing the client implementation to follow. With flapMap on the streams API, operations can be performed on the inner collection, ie list within a list Jakarta MVC on top of Jakarta REST presents decoupled web-based requests handling architecture JDK 20 Project Loom's ScopedValue vs. ThreadLocal  ThreadLocal enables sharing d

Tech Conversant Weekly Jan 02 - Jan 07

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week as well as a few that seized my attention, Microservices using shared memory for interservice communication and data processing, to speed up the processing between multiple services and achieve low latency with high throughput, creating a Virtual memory that offers shared memory space residing in the local disk for the services to leverage. The Chronicle library facilitates creating the memory region of the heap on a file for virtual memory and debugging the file with readable YAML format. The feature of the memory map file has been available since JDK4, + MapMode.READ_WRITE = MappedByteBuffer (not thread safe) Other places for improvement are, 1) Thread safe access 2) Long offsets (64-bit) 3) Comple

Tech Conversant Weekly Nov 14 - Nov 19

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week, Spring framework 6.0 has been released and is available in Maven central. It used JDK 17 as a baseline, and Jakarta EE 9+ with specifications for Servlet 6.0 and JPA 3.1 facilitating access to Tomcat 10.1 and Hibernate ORM 6.1 respectively. Spring application contexts support AOT transformation processing as part of GraalVM Native image used in tandem with Spring Boot 3. Spring 6.0 enables the usage of Project Loom's Virtual threads feature and Project CRaC with checkpoint restoration for faster JVM startup and many other features. Establishing a good degree of isolation can vary regarding deployment (Microservices) or DDD-bounded context. Spring Mo