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Showing posts with the label graalvm

Tech Conversant Weekly Jul 03 - Jul 15

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Boosting Java startup with Class Data Sharing (CDS) JDK21 LTS Maintenance and Support Health checking of multiple cloud applications with Spring Cloud Gateway Functional Style Non-reactive HTTP clie

Tech Conversant Weekly Apr 24 - May 06

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you! ZGC optimizes the HotStop JVM GC for low latency and scalability, offering the benefits of, 1. Scalable Heap memory area  2. Low latency <1ms GC pause times regardless of the heap size definitions 3. Autotuned GC for optimal performance  4. Throughput reduction  As the ZGC is designed, 1. Concurrency - threads continue to execute and collect objects for GC  2. Constant GC

Tech Conversant Weekly Feb 27 - Mar 11

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This week, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Java compiler generates class file bytecodes that are executed by the JVM into a binary compilation for platform execution. Entering GraalVM which produces native images during compilation that are platform native executables. These images are produced by AOT compilation of reachable code and reflective accesses are explicitly specified.  NativeImage analyzer capitalizes on the

Tech Conversant Weekly Feb 13 - Feb 18

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every week, we bring you the latest and greatest advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences. This week, we've got some exciting news to share with you! Junit 5 provides Nested annotation on test classes that are nested within a parent test, facilitating a place for prescribing for generic setup and tear-down methods. Modularizing the test hierarchically within the same test class. GraalVM Native Image spawns platform-native executables that are the libraries reachable during the an

Tech Conversant Weekly Jan 30 - Feb 04

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week as well as a few that seized my attention, Java has some extraordinary libraries which blow your mind such as, 1. Using DelayQueue instead of BlockingQueue, offering to the queue after the delay lapse  2. DateTimeFormatter returning strings like 'in the morning' and 'in the afternoon  3. StampedLock instead of ReadWriteLock and optimistic ReentrantReadWriteLock  4. Concurrent Accumulators instead of AtomicXXX references for concurrent updates without locks  5. Hex format  6. BinarySearch in Arrays of sorted ordering returning found value else the nearest occurrence for insertion  7. BitSet instead of a boolean array to operate the bits for and, or, xor operations  8. Phaser instead of CountDownLatch to a

Tech Conversant Weekly Jan 16 - Jan 21

Topic: General                                                                                                                                              Level: All In this post, we shall catch up on the multi-faceted technological updates that happened over the past week as well as a few that seized my attention, Frequently we read properties from file to the application, conversely, we can write to configuration properties file as well from Java Building custom URLs with special characters creates complexities in request mapping on the server-side code. The REST requests are to be intercepted for carrying out preprocessing not only on the URL but on the whole request before delegation to the controller. Create an implementation for ClientHttpRequestInterceptor and override the intercept method, subsequently registering the interceptor onto the rest template, any requests are routed via the implementation.