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Tech Conversant Weekly Jul 03 - Jul 15

Topic: General                                                                                                                Level: All

Welcome to the world of cutting-edge technology! Every bi-week, we bring you the latest and most incredible advancements in the tech industry that are sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered.

Stay ahead of the game and be the first to know about the newest innovations shaping our world. Discover new ways to improve your daily life, become more efficient, and enjoy new experiences.

This time, we've got some exciting news to share with you!

Boosting Java startup with Class Data Sharing (CDS)

JDK21 LTS Maintenance and Support

Health checking of multiple cloud applications with Spring Cloud Gateway

Functional Style Non-reactive HTTP client for Spring - RestClient

ELK + Spring Boot - Local Configuration setup

Testcontainer Integrations for AWS S3, Kafka Producer and Consumer, MySQL and Flyway, Redis, Egress HTTP Calls

Jakarta Batch Job application setup and execution

Running tests on Hibernate with Testcontainers setup

Common Table Expressions in JPQL by Hibernate ORM

Architecting software with the C4 model

Building a CRUD application with Spring Boot and Angular

Developing with Quarkus, Microprofile and OpenTelemetry

Postman API Test Automation

Spring Cloud Function and AWS: Performance, Portability, and Productivity

Large-Scale Architecture: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Simplicity

The Evolution of Evolutionary Architecture

Boosting Developer Productivity with the Spring CLI

Autonomous Database observability with Grafana

Empower your Spring Applications with Python Features on GraalVM

The Easy Way to Run and Scale Spring Apps on Cloud

Testing with Spring, AOT, GraalVM, and JUnit 5

From Zero to a Hundred Billion: Building Scalable Real-Time Event Processing at DoorDash

Let's Spring Forth and Stream with Apache Pulsar

Vector Similarity Search in Spring with Redis Stack

As the MVP is expanded, and as more capabilities are added, the MVA also needs to be evolved. The MVA may need to change because of new capabilities that the MVP takes on: some additional architectural decisions may need to be made, or some previous decisions may need to be reversed. The team’s work on each release is a balance between MVP and MVA work.

How can we achieve this balance? Both the MVP and the MVA include trade-offs to solving different kinds of problems. For the MVP, the problem is delivering valuable customer outcomes, while for the MVA, the problem is delivering those outcomes sustainably. 

Teams must resist two temptations regarding the MVA: the first is ignoring its long-term value altogether and focusing only on quickly delivering functional product capabilities using a "throw-away" MVA. The second temptation they must resist is over-architecting the MVA to solve problems they may never encounter. This latter temptation bedevils traditional teams, who are under the illusion that they have the luxury of time, while the first temptation usually afflicts agile teams, who never seem to have enough time for the work they take on. 

Rework is inevitable, but as it is more expensive than "simple" work because it includes undoing previous work, it’s worth taking time to reduce it as much as possible. This means, where possible, anticipating future rework and taking measures to make it easier when it does happen.

Modular code helps reduce rework by localizing changes and preventing them from rippling throughout the code base. Localizing dependencies on particular technologies and commercial products makes it easier to replace them later. Designing to make everything easily replaceable, as much as possible, is one way to limit rework. As with over-architecting to solve problems that never occur, developers need to look at the likelihood that a particular technology or product may need to be replaced. For example, would it be possible to port the MVA to a different commercial cloud or even move it back in-house if the system costs outweigh the benefits of the MVP? When in doubt, isolate.

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